The Greatness that is J*Davey

Once in a blue moon, an artist comes out and is just amazing. Well, in this case, we got 2. Miss Jack Davey and Brook D’Leau make up the group J*Davey. As you all know, I love music and finding new artist and all that good stuff. When I first heard J*Davey, I was like gasping for air, clenching the sheets, curling my toes with the eargasm I was enduring. I listen to good music all the time, but it’s rare to hear music that is everything you wanna hear. Most artist have something missing, but these fuckers have the perfect combo of soul and funk that makes my heart go pitter patter. It’s something in Jack’s voice that is like sex to me. It’s beautiful and nasty and rough and smooth all at the same time. AH! Let me stop swooning.

click the picture to listen and/or download

Their new EP, Evil Christian Cop: The Great Mistapes, dropped February 21 and me being all wrapped up in life, it went right over my head. I woke up this morning and was like “Jup, get you shit together and listen to it!” So I did and OMG, can you have 5 song more perfect than these? You can’t. It’s perfect music in my eyes.


You know what sucks?! They are coming to Atlanta March 30 and guess where I’ll be….bootcamp. 😦 Ya’ll should go for me! If I get stationed on the west coast, maybe I’ll get lucky out there. Welp, I think this swoon-fest has been drawn out long enough. I’ll ttyl!

xoxo, Jup.

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The Lazy Man’s Update: VLOG

Im too lazy to type so this is probably the only written words you’ll get from me today. Sorry I sound so bored in the vid. I’m not having the best day. lol. Watch the video and I will be back with more than just a boring update.


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Jupiter’s update.


I’m totally kidding guys! I’d prolly kill myself if I wrote like that. And to believe, a couple years ago, that shit was cute. Ugh. ANYWAYS! How have you guys been?! Good I hope. Me? Well, I’ve been finding my way. Currently employed and so happy about it! I’m also enlisting in the Navy *crosses fingers*! Financial aid at my school was…eh. Another story for another post. But this is my decision and I’m sticking to it!  Ummm, what else….OH! I’ve been losing friends left and right! Can you believe that?! Little ol’ me, riffling feathers from here to there. I guess that’s what comes with after high school life. The Capricorn in me is starting to show. Reality > Fantasy. Tell it like it is.  If someone gets hurt…OH WELL. Not my problem buddy. I look at it like making space for the great new people to come. But we off that! So yeah! That’s really it! Tell me what’s up with you guys! How’s life? Who ya dating? If you’re not dating, who’s on the roster?! Just fill me in!

xoxo Jup.

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I hate the music industry! ARRGH! [Super Rant]


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Small Update. :)

I told you guy about a contest a week or so ago and I never updated yall on it. I’m such a horrible person. :[

But don’t fret! I gotchu today! The Toy Soldier giveaway works like this.

  1. You have to have a Twitter account
  2. You have to follow @toysldrs

On twitter, you have to put #tys in your tweet and at random, someone will be chosen. You can put it in as many tweets as you want (more tweets, better chances).  At 10pm, they will choose and announce who won for that day. It started yesterday and is going through FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd!

Sounds pretty easy, right! Well jump on board! Follow them! #TYS everyone! Do it!

In other new

I don’t know if anyone knows this, but I’m going to school to be a graphic designer. It’s my passion. Unfortunately I haven’t designed in MONTHS! So last night/early as fuck this morning, I kinda freestyled some shit. Tell me what you think in a a comment or twitter! However you get to me.

So yeah, a post should be coming in a day or two…maybe even today…but I high doubt that. I just wanna take time out to tell you guys a appreciate the love and support. Broke & Nameless would be nothing without you.

xoxo, Jup.

FOLLOW B&N @BrokeNameless on Twitter!

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Filed under contest/giveaway, fashion

Everyone’s After Something: Takers Review

*SPOILER ALERT!* If you want to see it, don’t read on. If you don’t…continue! 🙂

So let me start by saying:


Groupie moment over. This was a very sexy movie! From the men, to the scenery, right down to the rides, it was just amazing! If you are going off of the trailers, you will be misled. It does the movie NO justice! I wasn’t going to see it, but luckily I did.

The plot of the movie was pretty much a group of SUPER HOTTIES coming together to pull off heist and TAKE as much money as possible. We (as in me and High Yeller) got there a bit late, but from what we saw in the beginning started with a big bang! There was guns, mask, and a helicopters blowing up! Hard-fucking-core!

It went on to pretty much set up the background stories of all the characters which tied the story together. G (Idris Elba) was the leader of the pack. Him and T.I.’s character, Ghost, put the team together. He also had a crackhead sister and all he wanted to do was take her back to the Caribbean. Ghost (T.I.) was locked up from a job they did in 2004 and he was told to lose contact with all the guys. Jake (Micheal Ealy) and Jesse (Chris Brown) were bothers. A.J. (Hayden Christensen) was an Ivy League frat boy turned bad boy. John (Paul Walker) was the look out guy. Rachael (Zoe Saldana) was Jake’s fiancee and Ghost ex-girl (DRAMA!).

Ghost get out of jail with a job for millions and millions of dollars and though they had reservations, they went with it. Little did they know he was in with the Russians. So they set it all up get it all planned out and it barely gets pulled off. They get the cash and that’s when shit hits the fan! Police chase when Jesse is jumping running on cars and off building. Cool shit.

At the end, it turned into some real Set It Off shit. Everyone gets plucked off one by one. Hayden is the first to go. I was surprised High Yellow didn’t shed a tear, but he went out like a G so there were no tears to be shed (in the words of Chels). Then Chris and Michael were the next to go. Then it got to T.I. and  Idris. T.I. had to go! It was only Paul and Idris left….and his crackhead sister!

What the significance of the crackhead making it out….I will never know!

But all in all, the movie was waaaaay better than we thought it would be. Now if you will, excuse me while I come up with a scheme to rob a bank and make millions! We’re taking resumes. 😉

xoxo, Jup and High Yeller.

P.S. OH YEAH! Broke and Nameless officially has a twitter. Follow us! @BrokeNameless

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It’s Benji Baby!

Networking on Twitter is fun and useful if you want to get your name out there and to meet interesting people.  I met an upcoming artist called Benji coming out from the Brooklyn, New York area.  I listened to his song called “My New Chick” and I’m really feeling it…all I need is a smooth beat and wonderful words and I’m in la la land. =]

Go listen to his song “My New Girl” over —> HERE.

So go download his mixtape called “I Think I Made It” over –> HERE.

Add him on Twitter:

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With crap that has been happening in my personal life, I just wanna take time out to say thank you and I love you to my best friend Jasmine aka Jupiter. She also runs this blog if you aint know. lol.

We’ve been running together as best buds for 7 years and I plan on adding more notches to my belt of years to that. I constantly think of the future and what it’s going to bring me and you…and how someday we have to go our seperate ways…but we’ll be reunited fasho!  So to celebrate the time we have had together, here is a post dedicated to our friendship….represented in pictures because words and me dont mix all too well, unless it’s a fictional story. All of these pictures bring back so many memories. Even tho my memory is crap, I am going say something about each of them. lol =]

this one was during her little brother’s football practice the summer before sophomore year in high school. we sat out in the bleachers for hours taking pictures and just chilling. i remember drawing and writing stupid stuff in one of her notebooks. also…what happened to your Harajuku Lovers necklace? =]

I’m very bad with dates but i want to say this was just after school let out freshman year, I remember because my camera was acting bootleg/janky and didn’t wanna take a decent picture. but this one came out perfecto!

This was sometime sophomore year, after we went to Lenox with my sister and walked around looking at all the gay men there, we came home and took pictures, as usual!

Sophomore year again during spirit week and it was Decade day, we both hit everyone up with a lil 80’s style. =]

This was taken during my 16th birthday party, which was amazing by the way! We had too much fun! We had that chocolate cake and Publix Premium Ice Cream!

This was during the summer after junior year, right after MJ died. =[ we were at my house playing his records and having fun. I was lurking you in this pic. =] The streets is watching girl!

On my 18th bday, went to go get my tongue pierced, movies, and hooters with friends and family. The pretty Hooters girls even sang for me.  Simple things like that make me happy. =]

At Jups’s 18th bday shin-dig. It was a great night with gooood food. lol I’ma effing giant compared to her. bleeh!

And last but not least…promoting out blog of course!! we hold out B’s proudly cuz we broke phi broke! lol

There we sooooo many pictures that i had to choose from but i chose just a few that i thought were cute and that are worth remembering because they were all good times. I want all our readers to know that we cherish our friendship to the max and if you have someone that is important in your life wheather it be your mom, dad, friend, or pet rock don’t ever turn your back on them and love them with all your heart. Sappy, i know but eff it…it’s the damn truth that people should listen to.  So from 1/2 of the B&N crew (do i include kayla too? that girl only wrote like 2 posts…lol.) our friendship will never die. the end.


Filed under Family, life, Random Fun, Uncategorized

I Have Been Sucked Into The Madness

So I borrowed someone’s first season of True Blood just to give it a try because I have an open mind to new things. Jupiter comes over and we’re sitting for HOURS watching True Blood…I laugh, I freak out, I ask TOO MANY questions, and BAAM…I’m liking True Blood. I really like the story line and the plot. Mystery’s really have special place in my heart.  I’m the type of person to see something through to the end..and I did. I stayed up super late watching damn True Blood to see what happens…and when i mean late, I mean the sun is coming up late.

Over the course of 3 days, I have watched two season of True Blood plus some of season 3… 27 episodes, each an hour long. I did my math and that’s 27 hours of my life i have dedicated to this damn show. I have a real love/hate relationship with it though. The fangs are on the wrong teeth which really pisses me off, I hate the way Bill says Sookie’s name, and other aspects that I do not want to discuss because I don’t want to spoil you fans out there who aren’t caught up like me.

One of my favorite characters is Pam. She is a BAMF. She is the HBIC. And she’s hot. Even though she’s older…she’s still gorgeous. Reminds me of Angelina Jolie.

I think the only real reason I’m watching it is because Twilight isn’t hyped up anymore and I have to wait a long while for the next movie to come out. But I’ll have you know that come October/November I will be on Harry Potter’s nuts, reading the books and watching the movies. =]

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Filed under hot chicks, Television, True Blood, Uncategorized


So I just caught wind that our friends over at Toy Soldiers are doing a FREE T-SHIRT GIVEAWAY! Y’all know we broke, so nothing is better than free stuff! So you can read more about it here and just keep your eyes and ears peeled for it. I would have more to say, but I gotta hop off this computer and watch the Real World. There will be a later post about the company and what they are all about.  I’ll give y’all more info as I find out or you can go straight to the source on twitter @ToySoldiersShop.

xoxo, Jup! 🙂

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